NTPI 2024 Web Banner (2100x450)

在华盛顿特区,NAEA的2024年NTPI 3级注册已经开放

加入NAEA社区注册代理2024年国家税务实践研究所:三级在华盛顿, DC from November 13-15, 2024! 让自己沉浸在这个为期三天的面对面会议中,重点关注黄金城电子娱乐网址国税局的代表. 抓住机会完成你的NTPI之旅,并与你的同龄人一起毕业,成为NTPI研究员.

Can’t make it in person? We have you covered. 购买直播流和加入从舒适的自己的家!

Who can participate in NTPI?

国家税务实践学院™(NTPI®)是专为税务专业人士谁的目标是提高他们的职业生涯,代表客户在黄金城电子娱乐网址国税局之前. 资格登记是独家登记代理人,注册会计师和税务律师. 这些专业人士被授予在国税局面前的充分代表权, 允许他们代表客户与国税局沟通, as well as represent them during audits, collections, and appeals. 如果你是这些合格的专业人士之一,并希望扩大你的实践, NTPI®为您提供税务代表所需的工具和证书.

Early Bird

ends Jul. 31


ends Oct. 31

Late Registration

ends Nov. 8

Live Stream

(view online)





Cancellation Policy

如果与会者注册了亲自会议,但无法参加活动, 退款申请必须由NAEA以书面形式提交给教育部团队. 所购商品将按原付款方式退回.  切换到直播或取消并获得全额退款的最后一天是2024年10月28日. Beginning on October 29th, if you are unable to attend in person, 您可以切换到按需选项,并收到退款的差额减去50美元的管理费. Rollovers are not allowed at this time.

如果你不能再参加直播. You can be switched over to the on-demand. 从直播转到点播的最后一天是11月11日.

Contact education@myjjoyonline.com or 202-822-6232 with any questions.

议程正在最后确定,可能会有变化. 有关该事件的高级概述,请参见下文. 


Wednesday, November 13th

7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Registration / Help Desk

7:00 am – 8:00 am

Breakfast with Sponsors

8:00 am – 9:40 am

Ethics Session (2 Ethics CE)

9:40 am – 10:10 am

Networking Break

10:10 am – 11:50 am

Tax Research and Resources (2 CE)

11:50 am – 1:00 pm

Lunch with Sponsors

1:00 pm – 2:40 pm

Lien Defenses (2 CE)

Speaker: Clarice Landreth

2:40 pm – 3:10 pm

Networking Break

3:10 pm – 5:30 pm

Introduction to Criminal Tax (1 CE)

Bankruptcy and Taxes (1 CE)

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Welcome Reception

Thursday, November 14th

7:00 am – 5:00 pm

Registration / Help Desk

7:00 am – 8:00 am

Breakfast with Sponsors

7:00 am – 9:40 am


9:40 am – 10:10 am

Networking Break

10:10 am – 11:50 am

Advanced Financial Analysis (2 CE)

11:50 am – 1:00 pm

Lunch with Sponsors

1:00 pm – 2:40 pm

Spousal Relief (2 CE)

2:40 pm – 3:10 pm

Networking Break

3:10 pm – 4:50 pm


Friday, November 15th

7:00 am – 3:00 pm

Help Desk

7:00 am – 8:00 am

Breakfast with Sponsors

8:00 am – 9:40 am

Field Audit Case Study (2 CE)

9:40 am – 10:10 am

Networking Breaks

10:10 am – 11:50 am

Business Entity Examination Issues (2 CE)

11:50 am – 1:00 pm

Lunch with Sponsors

1:00 pm – 2:40 pm

Advanced Appeals (2 CE)

2:40 pm – 3:10 pm

Networking Break

3:10 pm – 4:50 pm

Capstone (2 CE)

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Closing Session: NTPI Graduation Ceremony



Speakers are still being finalized. Stay tuned for more information!

Clarice Landreth

Clarice Landreth, EA是一名注册代理,在高级税务解决方面拥有20多年的专业知识. 她是科罗拉多州布鲁姆菲尔德市Omni公司的质量保证分析师.  自2014年以来,克拉丽斯一直在教授继续教育课程,重点是解决税收问题. She is an NTPI Fellow, 目前担任NTPI规划委员会主席, 并于2021年被授予NAEA卓越教育奖.

Event Location

NAEA Offices
1100 G Street
6th Floor Conference/Meeting Space
Washington, DC 20005


Parking at the NAEA Office

Daily Office Garage Parking Rates:
Mon-Fri 7:00am – 7:00pm
Additional daily garages found nearby.


Hotel Information

Once you register, NAEA will provide 附近的酒店选择与折扣价格的与会者预订列表. Contact education@myjjoyonline.com or 202-822-6232 with any questions.


About Washington, DC

Things to Do

Guide to DC


NAEA正在准备2024年NTPI 3级活动体验,以便所有在场的个人与会者, speakers, staff, 场馆工作人员在整个活动过程中保持安全和舒适.


Duty of Care

We’re facilitating measures that will ensure optimal 进行面对面互动的所有环境中的健康和卫生条件. Read NAEA’s Duty of Care Plan

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

你们为税务专业人士提供解决方案吗? 通过我们今年的现场活动,在您想要的潜在客户面前获得您的业务工具和资源. 赞助机会可用于NAEA飞行和其他活动.

下载招股说明书或联系Erin Mosher,教育主任在 emosher@myjjoyonline.com for more information.

Download the 2024 event prospectus 今天,了解赞助机会.

Thank You To Our Sponsor

Details are still being finalized. Stay tuned for more information.

What is the cancellation policy? 

如果与会者注册了亲自会议,但无法参加活动, 退款申请必须由NAEA以书面形式提交给教育部团队. 所购商品将按原付款方式退回.  切换到直播或取消并获得全额退款的最后一天是2024年10月28日. Beginning on October 29th, if you are unable to attend in person, 您可以切换到按需选项,并收到退款的差额减去50美元的管理费. Rollovers are not allowed at this time.

如果你不能再参加直播. You can be switched over to the on-demand. 从直播转到点播的最后一天是11月11日.

Contact education@myjjoyonline.com or 202-822-6232 with any questions.